
Divorce can be tricky and is never easy. Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock can testify to that. After announcing their divorce, the long process of dividing the assets and properties begins and for the this ex-couple, a ranch became a battleground. So it was up to a judge to decide the fate. The court has ruled that Kelly is the sole owner of the Montana ranch property valued at $10.4 million dollars, rejecting Brandon’s position that the ranch was martial property and should be shared equally by both. The judge saw it differently and ruled that their premarital agreement gives the ownership to Kelly and Kelly alone. And here is where it gets dicey. Brandon has been living at the ranch full time sense the split. It has been his home and his place of business. Prior to the judgement, Kelly wanted to sell the ranch, despite Brandon living there. claiming it a financial burden. The cost of maintaining the ranch as been estimated at $81,000. a month. Yep, that can add up fast. For her part, Kelly is required to pay nearly $200,000 per month to Brandon in spousal and child support. He is responsible for “100% of the cost” of transporting their two children (River, 7, and Remington, 5) to and from Montana. He has a 25 percent custodial timeshare. So, does she charge him rent? Does she evict him and sell? The choice is completely hers, because she now officially owns the Montana ranch lock, stock and barrel, as they say. But stay tuned for more drama. Will Brandon move out? Will he try to stay? Divorce is never easy.