
The “Battle of “Britney” never seems to end. If it is not one thing it’s another. Currently, Brit’s Mom once again has issues with Brit’s Dad. Over what? Money of course. Seems like Mama Lynne feels that Papa Jamie should not be spending Britney’s money to pay his legal bills which, by the way, are close to $900,000. The legal bills were incurred when Jamie retained a law firm to represent him when Britney attempted to remove him as co-conservator of her estate. Lynne wants a judge to look over the bills. Her legal team argues that the firm’s fees are “utterly excessive.” In four months the fees are “more than all of the other law firms combined.” And if “they are determined to be improper or excessive,” they should be stricken from the bill, or if already paid, reimbursed to Britney’s estate. Coming up is yet another conservatorship hearing at the end of the month. Will Papa Jamie be in or out? Will he have to repay the estate? The”Battle of Britney” continues. In the meantime, Britney has gone to social media to send messages to her fans. “Yes, I am totally fine. I’m extremely happy. I have a beautiful home. Beautiful children. I’m taking a break right now because I’m enjoying myself.” Good to hear she is enjoying herself as the :Battle of Britney” swirls all around her.